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Make it Global

Over the past couple of years, IT specialists and designers have become even more attractive in the eyes of others. Both in the tender and in life: an interesting, mobile profession that allows you to earn money from anywhere in the world in different currencies. 

To be successful and regularly show the world your talents, you need a community. In order to create and monetize such a community, new acquaintances in relaxation and competent design are needed. When competent enthusiasts and competent designers meet, it turns out to Make It Global. These are networking forums held in Kazakhstan and Georgia. The guys feel very subtly where the wind blows and successfully explore new territories, I discuss ROI, KPI and other business matters on them. 

If the event was not on the Internet, it was not at all. Therefore, the forum needs a website with speakers and a "Pay" button, which does not lag even at night when paying with a foreign card. How we handled it — see in the cards.

Make it Global